Wednesday, December 8, 2010

What are the roles of Helen, Athena, and Penelope in The Odyssey?

Helen--she is actually the reason that Odysseus is originally separated from his wife and home.  A married woman, Helen supposedly chooses Paris over her husband, and the Trojan War begins.  Odysseus dutifully leaves home for Troy and fights in the Trojan War, a war that would have never begun if not for Helen (according to the epic poem).

Athena--the goddess of wisdom and war, Athena is Odysseus's goddess.  She is similar to a patron saint would be for Catholics.  She watches over him, helps in times of needs, and sometimes directs him back to the right route.

Penelope--the faithful wife of Odysseus who waits over 20 years for her husband's return. Her memory gives Odysseus the strength to continue even when he has lost everything and everyone on his journey.

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