Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Who is Nathaniel Eaton in The Witch of the Blackbird Pond?

Nathaniel Eaton in The Witch of the Blackbird Pond is often referred to as simply "Nat" and is a very important secondary character in regards to the varied plot of the story.  Nathaniel Eaton is the son of Captain Eaton, the captain of the Dolphin.  Quite simply, Kit (the main character of the novel, of course) takes Nat's ship from the West Indies to Connecticut of the United States of America.  Nat is a true trickster and finds pleasure in teasing many people, including Kit.  In regards to his character, though, it is also important to realize that Nat has  a true heart in that he is often helpful and even compassionate.  For example, Nat is often helping Hannah extensively by maintaining her home, chopping wood for her, fixing her room, and doing other various chores.  Nat becomes captain of his own ship by the end of the story.  More importantly, he returns to Wethersfield and asks Wood for permission to marry our heroine.

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