Tuesday, May 10, 2011

How are vaporization and condensation related?

Condensation and vaporization are two processes that are reverse of each other. Condensation is the process of conversion of a gas into liquid and vaporization is the process of converting liquids into gas or vapours. Some solid substances, for example camphor, get vaporized to gaseous state without passing through the liquid state. This process is called sublimation.

Vaporization, also called evaporation when due to kinetic energy within molecules of substances some molecules escape from the surface of solid or liquids and get converted to gaseous form. Substances that get vaporized easily or at faster rate are called volatile substances, and ones that do not are called non-volatile. The volatility of substances increases with temperature as with increase in temperature the kinetic energy of molecules increases.

The process of evaporation and condensation occurs in nature for water all the time resulting in earth's water cycle. The water from earth's water bodies gets evaporated to form clouds, and these clouds then condense into rain.

The process of evaporation and condensation is also used by humans in processes such as fractional distillation of mixtures of different liquids and for concentration of solids dissolved in liquids.

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