Monday, May 9, 2011

What season is it at the beginning of Chapter 6 in To Kill a Mockingbird?

    It is Dill's last day in Maycomb before he must return to his home in Meridian, Mississippi, in the Harper Lee novel, To Kill a Mockingbird. So, he joins Jem and Scout on a night mission to the Radley Place with the intention of peeking inside the house from the porch. It is the closest that the children have ever gotten to the house, but when a shadow appears on the porch as Jem looks inside a window, the kids quickly depart--so hurriedly that Jem loses his pants in the collard patch. A shotgun blast is heard, since Nathan Radley believes he has chased a black visitor from his property. When the kids congregate with the other adults in the street to discuss the incident, it is discovered that Jem is pantless, and Dill explains that he lost them playing "strip poker." Dill bids a tearful goodbye, for school begins soon and summer is nearly over.

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