The words melody, rhythm, texture, pitch, timbre and dynamics are each an element of music composition. re: MELODY: imagine the song "Mary had a little lamb" being played on a piano, one note following another. This song is so well known, generally, that if presented one note following another, each (and all) having the same duration, a high precentage of people could identify the song, simply by hearing the succession of different tones which comprise its MELODY, the "memorable" part of a tune. RHYTHM, added to the notes of like duration spoken of above assigns different durations for each of the melody notes. NOW we have note values assigned to each of the notes of the familiar tune. PITCH isvariousscale degrees, from low sounds to higher frequency sounds. Example: begin one octave below middle C on the piano; play one note at a time, advancing upward on each WHITE KEY of the piano until Middle C is reached. Each of the 12 notes has a different, higher, tone than those just one step "down" or "up." DYNAMICS = the intensity of the tone(s) of music. The symbols:pp, p, mp, mf, f, ff, fff provide a composer with a wide range of intensity, beginning very quietly when marked "pp" and advansing to louder and louder tones as the dynamic markings change, upward through the succession listed above. The same is true if done in the reverse order, beginning quite loud and progressingwith less intensity until, at last, the final tones are very quiet.TEXTUREhas to do with the complexity of simplicity of the number of notes (tones) being played, whether bypiano or contrasting orchestral or choir tones played/sung simultaneiously.A two-part melody or musical fragment may includea melody or a counter-meldoy being played together for example by an oboe and a violin. Each can be heard and recognized easily since only two notes are being played at any time. Texture increases as more "voices" (instruments or singers) are added to the "mix" of the composition. A typical string trio selection usually includes piano, violin and cello playing three melodies or variations of a melody or counter-melody all together. When a full orchestra and many of its separate instruments play simultaneously, the TEXTURE is complex. Depending on the skill of the composer and the assignment of contrasting ranges of pitch to the strings, woodwinds, brasses and percussion, each melody or "part" CAN BE heard emitting tones from the entire ensemble. Although the texture is "thick" the sound can be somewhat transparent (or not). Add a 300 voice choir and a pipe organ to the symphony orchestra and the TEXTURE is extremely complex with many varying pitches, melodies, rhythms, etc. occuring at the same time. TIMBRE has to do with the relative brightness/brashness of some instruments compared to a more mellow, warn or darker tone of others. For example, the higher and highest notes of a flute, piccolo, violin or trumpet will be bright, perhaps very bright. The mid-range to low-range tones (notes) of trombones, cellos, string basses, french horns, baritones and bass singers are all relatively mello, with warmth and richness especially as these musicians work to blend theirtones withthe others.
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