Friday, July 15, 2011

In which book does Victoria die (the Twilight series)?

Victoria has a vendetta out for Bella starting in the first book, Twilight because Edward kills her mate, James for trying to kill Bella and nearly forcing Edward to make Bella a vampire right then and there so she doesn't die. 

In New Moon, Victoria starts stalking Bella but Jacob and his werewolf pack protect her from Victoria, though of course there is a soap opera like kerfuffle where Edward thinks that Bella killed herself and the rest of the book is really spent sorting that out and Victoria is sort of put on the back burner.

Until book three!  In Eclipse Victoria is no longer messing around.  She is intent on killing Bella since Bella was the cause of the death of her lover and her other pack mate, Laurent.  This forces Jacob and Edward to work together (unprecedented as not only do vampires and werewolves hate each other but they are romantic rivals for Bella's hand as well).   With the help of Bella, the Cullens vampires and the  Quileute werewolves kill Victoria.

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