Sunday, July 10, 2011

What are two major omissions that occur in the movie version of To Kill a Mockingbird?

    A superior film adaptation in comparison with most novels-to-movies, Robert Mulligan's To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) still is forced to stray from the original Harper Lee novel in many different areas. In addition to the omissions listed in the previous post (the characters of Aunt Alexandra and Uncle Jack and the visit to Calpurnia's church), there are still several major scenes missing from the movie.

DOLPHUS RAYMOND.  This unusual Maycomb character is also omitted entirely. His appearance in the novel serves as an excellent character sketch as well as presenting one of the few white men in Maycomb who stand with Atticus in their equal treatment of Negroes.

FINCH'S LANDING.  Besides the loss of Alexandra and Jack, cousin Francis is also excluded from the movie version. This also eliminates Scout's fight with her cousin as well as the holidays spent at the Finch homestead.

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