Friday, July 8, 2011

What details in "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings" illustrate fantastic elements characteristic of magical realism?Gabriel Garcia Marquez's "A...

In addition to the fantastic elements mentioned, in Gabriel Garcia Marquez's "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings" has several creatures come after the news of the captive angel spereads throughout the area.  One visitor is a flying acrobat "who buzzed over the crowd several times," but, the narrator remarks with irony, no one pays attention because the acrobat has "sidereal bat wings" rather than angel wings.

That the old man could be neglected and somehow molt into a creature capable of again flying is also an example of magical realism.  While he go through this metamorphosis, he also sings sea chanteys under the stars and is "delirious with the tongue twisters of an old Norwegian."

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