Sunday, April 15, 2012

How organizations differ?

Forms of organisation:

Organisations are classified into different category based on the size of organisation and the amount of capital required.  The following are the  main type of organization in practice.

Sole trading organisation

The capital is contributed by a single person. The level of operation and size of operation is very low. Whatever may be the result owner has to bear.

Partnership Firm

Two or more persons join together to carry out a business. They will share the profit equally or as per the agreed ratio.

Company form of organisation

Capital is formed by issuing shares to the general public. But the procedure is comparatively difficult in establishing this type of organisation. But the benefit will be more. Shareholders will be given dividend based on the profit of the company.

Co-operative form of organisation

It is an organisation to provide some service to the local area people. It is a voluntary organisation. The main objective is to solve the problems faced by the local area people.

I hope this will give you some idea about the various forms of organisation.

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