Saturday, April 14, 2012

What does the island look like in Theodore Taylor's novel, The Cay?

    After floating for several days on a small raft following the sinking of their ship in Theodore Taylor's novel, The Cay, Timothy sights a tiny island. It is uninhabited, but it provides Timothy and Phillip safety from the sharks who were ever-present alongside the raft. Timothy describes the isle:

"D'islan' is 'bout one mile long, an' a half wide, shaped like d'melon... D'rise is 'bout forty feet from here."

The beach is "about 40 yards wide in most places, stretching all the way around the island." On the east end, a coral reef extends for several hundred feet. There is no source of fresh water, but there are coconut palms, sea grape trees and "a few lil' lizzard." There are thick vines growing on the north side of the island. The surrounding waters provide plenty of langosta, mussels, and pompano.

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