Well, interestingly enough, I found some of the benefits of the colony written around the time of the colony's founding. These would be the opinions of some of the early settlers. Of course, you have to take them with a grain of salt: you never know what the motives were of the person who wrote them. Anyhow, here are some of the things listed as being wonderful about the Jamestown Colony.
- The country itself is large and great
- Air and climate most sweet and wholesome, much warmer then England,
- There are valleys and plains streaming with sweet Springs,
- the land is full of minerals, plenty of woods (the wants of England)
- it yieldeth also Rosin, Turpentine, Pitch and Tar, Sassafras, Mulberry-trees and Silkworms, many skins and rich furs
- Plenty of Sturgeon, Timber for Shipping
- We doubt not but to make there in few years store of good wines, as any from the Canaries, by replanting and making tame the Vines that naturally grow there in great abundance
- There grows hempe for Cordage, an excellent commoditie, and flax for linen cloth
So, in short, the temperature is warmer than in England, the soil is good for growing (especially, they will find, cotton and tobacco,) there are lots of trees for logging and hills for mining.
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