Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Which are physiological effects of electricity?

Electrical phenomena play an important role in many physiological processes that occur in living organisms. In addition may influence, in bad or good, their operation.

First we have to mention the propagation of nerve impulses.
Nerve fibers has in composition a cylindrical membranes containing inside a conducting fluid (an electrolyte), and outside beingall surrounded by a fluid conductor. By a similar mechanism which is manifested in the voltaic cell, between the two fluids is maintained a potential difference of approximately 0.1 V.
Due to the nature of the mechanism of propagation of electrical nerve impulses, human body is very sensitive to the action of electrical outside currents.
A current  of 10 mA order can cause strong muscle contractions , uncontrolled, accompanied by pain.

At 20 mA, the human body manifests breathing difficulties  and the person can not let go of the conductor that produced electric shock.A current of 100 mA can be fatal because affects  the nerve processes related to heart function :uncoordinated and uncontrolled contraction of heart muscle are produced , a phenomenon known as the fibrillation of the heart.Heart blood pumping activity is completely disorganized and the effect can be fatal. This effect can be used in beneficial way: in  emergencies practice, in case of cardiac arrest. Devices are used for application of high tension (length of time very small) targeting restore of normal operating mechanism of the heart.

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