Sunday, July 1, 2012

Why is the McCourts' charity to others ironic?

Angela’s Ashes is an endearing story based on the autobiography of the life of its author and his family.  After the death of her twins, Angela, her husband, and her children return to Ireland from America.  The family is poor and destitute.  The father is a drunkard who loves his family but leaves them to fend for themselves.  The mother is forced to beg for mercy and food from the church and they receive occasional support from the government.  Angela’s infant children die frequently due to poor nutrition, lack of heat, and unhealthy living environments.  They are the poorest of the poor living in a city that already identifies them as being no better than the rats in a sewer. 

In searching through the text I found little reference to the McCourt’s behaviors that exemplified acts of charity towards others.  Instead, I found quotes indicating that they were allotted charity from others but mostly had been treated poorly by agencies and family members whom one would expect to help them.  Uncle Pa, Angela’s sister’s husband shows the family what charity he can by sneaking the boys sandwiches. One incidence of his charity is found in this quote from the text following Uncle’s Pas purchase of a text for Frankie’s 16th birthday. ‘‘I know 'tis not the same without your father,'' Pa says,' 'but I'll get you the first pint. 'Tis what I'd do if I had a son.’’ (McCourt, F.)

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