Sunday, May 26, 2013

Explain "... vengeance is walking in Salem!"

"Vengeance is walking in Salem!" means that people are using the witchcraft accusations to get revenge on those who they believe have hurt them, or those against whom they feel jealous, or angry, or just negative in general. 

It is important to know how Puritan societies behaved during this time. In general, people were supposed to be worshipping or reading the Bible if they were not working. Any behavior outside of that was considered to be a "vain enjoyment", which was definitely frowned upon. Keep in mind that many people considered it their duty to judge the behaviors of others, and it was considered patriotic and holy to point out the wrongdoings of others, and especially to accuse them of consorting with the devil. 

Take that mood of the time, judging others, and add the fact that you can get back at anyone by accusing them of being a witch, and you are using those accusations as vengeance. 

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