Thursday, May 16, 2013

How to treat human bites?

Bites treatment varies depending on the seriousness of the lesion, location and mode of production of the lesion, because treatment of occlusive lesions bites  is different from the treatment of lesions arising from assaults with fists closed. Treatment can range from a simple application of ice compresses to the affected area until the wound toilet and surgical care. Measures are taken considering the seriousness of each case.

Home treatment

First aid in case of such bites is very important because by setting the correct and prompt appropriate antiseptic measures can prevent future complications of infectious nature.

First aid measures include:

- Local wound toilet (using appropriate disinfectants)

- Then careful application of ice compresses to the affected area ,with analgesic effect

- In general, these wounds do not bleed excessively, but, if the bleeding is present, experts recommend applying digital pressure (finger kept pressed) on the area, about 10 minutes (or longer if necessary)

- Another very useful and practical method is raising the bleeding area (if possible, of course) over the heart level. Thus facilitating the venous return and  drainage of interstitial fluid, and swelling intensity that accompanies usually such wounds will decreases.

Treatment of wounds and deep lesions, one of the first steps in this situation is the tetanus vaccine made mandatory. Then, the doctor will perform local anesthesia (with lidocaine) and under the effect ,he will explore further damages and will clean thoroughly. Effective washing area with hydrogen peroxide which is inserted directly in the wound.

Sometimes, before final rinsing, it can be used a local antiseptic solution. The surrounding skin is cleaned ,also. If serious injuries, when there is a certain amount of tissue devitalized, the doctor will make an excision of this fragment to lower the risk of generating an infection. Tissue excision can sometimes go deeper into healthy tissue.

Sutures: sutures of the wounds resulted after human bites depends on many factors. Currently, doctors avoid deep wounds sutured, because of them, there is a greater danger of occurrence of infection. However, there are areas such as face, which indicate sutures of wound after cleaning, evolution and healing inthe best way and infections occur less frequently, if surgical lesion are closing.

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