Tuesday, August 6, 2013

I am going to be taking the ESL Praxis test and I could use some help. I need to know is there is a better study guide than the offical ETS one?

Having passed two content-area PRAXIS tests with flying colors and having purchased the ETS book for both, I agree that you should use the book, but I also think that relying exclusively on the book would be a mistake. The ETS book is useful because it allows you to practice that fine discrimination and close reading you need in a standardized test, but it provides little in the way of materials to study content, which you have no doubt already noticed. Since I have an excellent grounding in literature and composition, I did not study content at all for the English test.  But before I took the social studies exam, I read extensively in each area covered, made notes in the margins of my books, and acted as though I were preparing to take a final in all the subjects. I would suggest the same for your test. If you do not have textbooks on the covered issues, acquire them used at your local university bookstore or an on-line source.  The chances are good that the cost of this will be less than having to take the test repeatedly, and certainly the mental cost will be less if you are prepared and pass. ESL is the wave of the future, and a great certification to have. 

Good luck! 

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