Thursday, August 1, 2013

What are the emotions at this time and what does Capulet think of Paris as a person? act 3 scene 5when capulet changes his mind about letting paris...

The different people in this scene have different emotions.

Juliet is sad at first because Romeo has had to leave.  And then she becomes upset and almost desperate when she is told she is going to have to marry Paris.  She begs her parents not to make her.

Lord Capulet is really furious.  He is mad enough to call Juliet "filth" and "carrion" and tell his wife to throw her out.

Lady Capulet is angry as well as frustrated.  She can't believe that Juliet is being (to her) so stupid.

As far as Paris goes, all that Lord Capulet says about him is that he's "worthy."  He clearly thinks well of him and thinks he's a good "catch" for him to get for his daughter.

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