Tuesday, October 15, 2013

What are the names and ages of the other murdered victims that Mr. Harvey killed in The Lovely Bones.

In Chapter 14, most of Mr. Harvey's victims are introduced to Susie in the cornfield.  Here is the list of the murders by year, name, location and details of the death.  This list will include both Susie and the unnamed waitress (mentioned in Ch. 20) that are not included in the group of girls Susie meets in Ch. 14.

1960: (Two murders)

  • Sophie Cichetti- 49 years old. Killed in Pennsylvania.  She was his landlady.   After having a brief sexual moment with her, Harvey smashed her head when she started talking. Her body was dumped in a stream. 

  • Leidia Johnson- 6 years old. Killed in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Harvey dug out a cave from the hill and lay in wait. While the book does not give the specifics of her death, it was premeditated so it is safe to assume that it was also a sexual assault.

1963: (One murder)

  • Flora Hernandez- 8 years old. Killed in Delaware.  She was not killed intentionally during the attack. She started screaming, and she was killed to silence her. Her body was dumped in a basement.

1967: (One murder)

  • Jackie Meyer- 13 years old.  Killed in Delaware.  While the aspects of her death are not fully revealed, she was found next to an overturned chair, missing all of her clothes except for a striped t-shirt.  She died from an injury to her head where she bled out.  

1969: (One murder)

  • Leah Fox- 12 years old.  Killed in Delaware.  She was sexually assaulted on a couch under a highway on ramp.  After, Mr. Harvey fell asleep on top of her for ten hours.  She suffocated.  

 1971: (One murder)

  • Wendy Richter- 13 years old.  Killed in Connecticut.  She was raped outside of a bar and strangled.  

1973: (One murder)

  • Susie Salmon- 14 years old.  Killed in Morrison, Pennsylvania.  She was raped and stabbed to death after being lured to the dugout in the cornfield.  

 Post Susie's murder but several years before Mr. Harvey visits the shack in chapter twenty:

  • Unnamed waitress- Unknown age.  Killed in Connecticut.  She was raped and murdered by Harvey. She was buried in a shack in the woods.  When Mr. Harvey visits, the grave has been dug up.  He falls asleep inside it.

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