Tuesday, October 1, 2013

What led to the hike in gasoline prices in the late 1970s?

Since the Iranian Revolution occurred during the Carter administration and the OAPEC oil embargo occurred during the Nixon administration, the reason for the gasoline price hikes cannot be attributed to the Iranian Revolution which had not yet taken place.

The greatest shortages took place in the early 1970s, so, therefore, the revolution of 1979 cannot be the cause.  Part of the cause of OAPEC's embargo in 1973 was the US support of Israel; the Arabic nations sought to punish the United States for resupplying the Israel military. This conflict was termed the "Yom Kippur War" when oil jumped from $3.00 per barrel in 1972 to over $12.00 per barrel in 1974.

By 1974 Secretary Kissinger negotiated an Israeli troop withdrawal from parts of Sinai.  This promise of a negotiated settlement between Israel and Syria prompted the Arabic nations to lift the embargo in March of 1974.

As a result of the America's dependency upon foreign oil, a move was made after this AOPEC embargo for production of American oil as well as provision for oil reserves.  (e.g. The National Oil Reserves)

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