Monday, September 15, 2014

What is the central idea of "Ode to Clothes" by Pablo Neruda?

Pablo Neruda's "Ode to Clothes" is a direct address to the clothes he is accustomed to wearing daily. An ode is the most formal of all the lyric forms and is often used to record the poet's serious thoughts and ideals about lofty subjects. Pablo Neruda on the contrary uses his ode to record his feelings about something as mundane as his everyday clothes.

The theme of this ode is the harmonious and interdependent  relationship the poet enjoys with his clothes:

and so, 
I too go forming you, 
extending your elbows, 
snapping your threads, 
and so your life expands 
in the image of my life.

For most of us our clothes are merely our external garments to be worn and cast aside without a thought,but for Pablo Neruda they are very much an innate  part of his entire being: "we are one." His clothes don't just cover his body but contain his entire being:

"to fill yourself with

my vanity, my love,

my hope, my body."

Even when he is not wearing his clothes and they have been left out to dry his clothes continue to embody the very core of his existence:

"In the wind

you billow and snap 
as if you were my soul."

It is this symbiotic relationship which he enjoys with his clothes which makes him conclude:

"Because of this 
each day 
I greet you 
with reverence and then 
you embrace me and I forget you."

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