Monday, September 1, 2014

Why managers are becoming very powerful and the respected group in modern society?

The question presumes that business managers possess power in our social setting.  If this is the premise on which we progress, we can argue that much of the reason why this is so is because society respects power.  Managers exert a great deal of power in terms of the  relationship they hold to subordinates as well as the idea that managers have a direct impact to the generation of profit and success.  Managers have a high level of social respect because of the control and power they exert over many levels of society.  For every one manager exists more people who are subordinates, and these individuals have little choice but to express their praise of this individual through social respect.  At the same time, part of the reason why there might be a high level of social respect for managers is that society feels comfortable placing these individuals on a pedestal for this might continue the replication of power distribution, protecting entrenched interests in the Status Quo.

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