Tuesday, December 2, 2014

What traits does Minerva Mirabel possess?

In the book In the Time of the Butterflies Minerva is very intelligent.  She is a natural leader.  She is the first to advocate for going off to college and the first to get a college degree in law.  She is very outspoken and mischievous.  When she dates Leo she sneaks around to be with him.  When she sees her father going to a shack she follows him and learns he has a mistress and children.

Minerva is a very strongwilled and adamant person who stands-up for what she believes in.  She is a lttle niave about the true dangers awaiting her because of her political stances.  In the prison she continues to show that she is courageous by holding school and continuing to refuse to give in to the dictator.

Once when she is young the dictator tries to get his body too close to her and she slaps him.  She knows the danger but she also knows his reputation with women and young women.  She also runs head first into danger.

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