Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Poverty and underdevelopment are the cause for Marxism or is it politics that fan them?

Marxism refers to the thinking and ideas of Karl Max, These are predominantly concerned with the nature of economic systems and ways of managing and governing economies and countries. Any spread or contraction in extent of application of Marxism in the government methods and policies, by definition, has to be a political action. One may ascribe spread of Marxism to politicians fanning it. But that would be as meaningless as saying that politicians fan democracy, or politicians fan desire for freedom.

Poverty is definitely a condition that makes the promise of Marxism very attractive to people. But It should be noted that Marxism is more concerned with disparities in wealth and income between different classes of people in the society, rather than the absolute levels of poverty. Marxism is more concerned with equitable distribution of income between all the people in a society rather than with increasing the total combined income of the society as a whole.

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