Pruritus, or itching skin, is an unpleasant sensation on the skin that cause intense desire of scratching. Pruritus may originate in the peripheral nervous system - due to external stimuli, or central nervous system - is only perceived as originating in the skin. In severe cases, itching causes sleeping problems, anxiety and depression, and scratching causes permanent skin damages.
Pruritus is often a warning for many skin diseases or systemic diseases, such as chronic renal damages, cirrhosis and some cancers. According to estimates, 8 to 10% of the entire population suffers from chronic itching, and itching were most common symptom met by dermatologists.
Source of itching is an issue that has tormented mankind way before, when it was suspected that itching may have origins that are not related with skin. With about 10 years ago, the itching was considered to be very similar with the pain. In part, itching is activated and processed in the same brain regions as well as pain, plus amygdala, the emotional center. It also found that, like yawning, scratching can be contagious.
The causes of itching skin
Causes of localized pruritus:
- Scalp: seborrheic dermatitis, Pediculosis.
- Backup: dorsal pain, Grover's disease.
-Hands: dermatitis.
- Groin: itching vulva, Candida vulvo, vulvar and vaginal problems.
- Anus: Anal itching.
- Feet: foot of athlete.
Systemic diseases that may have itching as a symptom:
- Kidney disease: chronic renal failure.
- Diseases of liver: biliary obstruction intra hepatic and extra hepatic impairment (pruritus cholecystitis).
- Endocrine / metabolic: diabetes mellitus, hyper thyroid.
- Blood Diseases: Iron deficiency - anemia, lymphatic leukemia, Hodgkin's disease.
- Neurological: itching neuropathy, schizophrenia.
Studies developped, shown that itches which do not respond to antihistamines could respond to drugs which would aim the neurons that produce the protein Mrgpr, mainly MrgprA3.
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