Saturday, December 24, 2011

Comment on the effectiveness of Thin-layer Chromatography (TLC) as a technique to separate mixtures of biological molecules.Also, report on...

Thin layer chromatography (TLC) is an excellent method for separating  bio-chemicals, especially when only a small amount is available. TLC, as other types of chromatography, separates biochemicals based on different criteria; TLC uses the polarity of the biochemicals in your sample. As with other types, a known standard is applied in one column. This allows visualization of the various components in your sample (when the dry plate is placed in, say, an iodine chamber). The samples can then be marked, and scraped off the glass plate.  When I used this technique 25 years ago, it was to see if we had successfully isolated a certain (radioactively-labled) enzyme from cardiac tissue. For more info, see the below site.

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