Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Who found the conch in Lord of the Flies?

In chapter one of The Lord of the Flies, Ralph and Piggy are exploring the lagoon together. The two boys are working well together, which is the first sign that this is going to be a key point later in the novel. The two boys are talking about their lives and getting to know one another when Piggy spots something in the water.

"What's that?"

Ralph had stopped smiling and was pointing into the lagoon. Something creamy lay among the ferny weeds.

"A stone."

"No. A shell."

Ralph and Piggy work together again to get the shell free of the weeds. Ralph gets the shell out of the water and Piggy takes it and tells Ralph about blowing into the shell and making a sound. This conch shell becomes an important piece of power in the book. Whoever has the shell is supposed to be able to talk uninterrupted. Anyone who has read the book knows how well that works. 

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