Sunday, December 11, 2011

From Into the Wild, why does Krakauer refer to Chris as "at peace, serene as a monk gone to God?"

this may be too late, but you should know anyway if you dont already.

In this passage, krakauer is refering to the last photo that chris took of himself.  he had a camera with him and when his body was discovered, there were a few rolls of undeveloped film inside the bus.

"One of his last acts was to take a photograph of himself, standing near the bus under the high Alaskan sky, one hand holding his final note toward the camera lens, the other raised in a brave, beatific farewell. He is smiling in the photo, and there is no mistaking the look in his eyes: Chris McCandless was at peace, serene as a monk gone to God."

google his name and you should be able to easily find the photo.  you can tell by the expression on his face.  he knew the end was coming for him, but he seemed to be ok with it. he had accopmlished his mission.

he even says in the note, "i have had a happy life and thank the lord, goodbye and may god bless all".

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