An old remedy, older than we can imagine,vinegar is considered rather as a good food and that's about all. We talk about vinegar and first of all about one obtained from the apples. Antiquity knew and used the most of the prevention and healing virtues of various types of vinegar.
Moreover, since biblical times, it is known that this product is used as a healing bandage in cases of open wounds and severe bruising. For diversifying and enhancing the curative effects, the ancients had mingled it with other plants.
Around 400 BC., Hippocrates himself, the "father of medicine", used the vinegar to care his patients. There is information that bring about the vinegar even with some ... military campaigns. Thus, because of qualities which we'll refer below, it was used by Hannibal during the famous expedition across the Alps and the march on Rome. Much later, vinegar has shown exceptional qualities in the War of secession from the United States. Let's see why.
To enjoy the therapeutic virtues of vinegar we should place it in the daily regime. They are due to high content of essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals and enzymes positive effect on the body. Some therapists are going to believe that apple vinegar (and honey) is a panacea in the sense that all apple qualities are concentrated in a teaspoon of such a liquid.
Because of them,it have been identified so far hundreds of uses to fight germs, scaring pain, improve the health, but also for cleaning and degreasing the space from our daily life.
Some positive effects of vinegar on the human body:
- Fighting germs it was noted especially in cases of sore throat, cough (calming), as in the destruction of microbes in food.
- Elimination of pain which is related to: stimulate better circulation in the legs, treat joint pain, relieve burning sun and other types of skin burns, eliminate foot pain from lower area, stop hiccupping, healing bruises and urticaria ; relieves pains caused by stings of insects, eliminate blisters and irritations produced, for example, at the toes, after the of inappropriate shoes.
- Much more good health, by: appetite control, mitigate so-called "aging spots" that appear on the skin at elderly persons, protect skin against the effects of the sun too strong, improving health and eliminating dandruff hair , relieve muscle fatigue, protection and even "rejuvenation" of the skin.
- Research demonstrates that vinegar contains an appreciable amount of carbohydrate, like a good dose of dietary fiber useful body. When this preparation is manufactured from fresh apples, chemically untreated, contain enough pectin also useful to body. Pectin entered into our digestive apparatus formes links with cholesterol, and stimulates it to get out of the body.The process is very important, as regards our health status because of how cholesterol is lower, the more there is less risk of cardiovascular disorders.
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