Friday, October 12, 2012

Discuss Doctor Faustus as a tragedy.

Tragedy is defined as a drama or literary thing in which the main character is brought to ruin or or suffers extreme sorrow especially as a consequence of tragic flaw, moral weakness or inability to cope with unfavorable circumstances.

In this play "DOCTOR FAUSTUS", Marlowe presents his main character as a tragic hero.

Dr. Faustus is the main character of this play. He is the man of extraordinary knowledge. Although hes get enough knowledge, yet he wants to get more and more knowledge. therefore, he sells his soul to Lucifer to get the knowledge of necromancy.

The Good Angel tries to stop him from learning necromancy. The Bad Angel appreciates him and advises him to carry it on.

At the end, Dr. Faustus himself is not satisfied with this knowledge.When Devil is also unable to satisfy his urges then he feels trapped and prays to God to secure him.

                        "MY GOD, MY GOD, LOOK NOT SO FIERCE ON ME.                                         ADDERS AND SERPENTS LET ME BREATHE A WHILE.                                    UGLY HELL, GAPE NOT LUCIFER. I WILL BURN MY BOOKS                                                   .....AH MEPHISTOPHELES".

He repents and curses wicked Mephistopheles.

                    "WHEN I BEHOLD THE HEAVENS, THEN I REPENT,                                              AND CURSE THEE, WICKED MEPHISTOPHELES,                                         BECAUSE THOU HAST DEPRIV'D ME OF THESE JOYS"

Faustus tries to challenge God and the rules of nature. His excessive pride brings him to a point where at the end of play. His pride is also a cause of his tragedy and shows his keen tendency towards hellish and necromantic books, he says,

                                       "CHE SERA, SERA"                                                                  "WHAT WILL BE, SHALL BE? DIVINITY, ADIEU"

His pride reaches a level where we can say that his soul is completely dead and he is not able to distinguish between the good and the wrong. that is his tragedy.


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