I love teaching this story, even though I'm continually frustrated that my students (mostly Southerners who are very closely tied to their home town) side with two of the characters (Mama and Maggie) and have little or nothing that is good to say about Dee. They see the characters who stay home as the ones who are being true to their heritage and see the one who leaves, changes her name, etc. as the one who is failing to value her heritage. I suspect that if I taught this same story to Northern, urban people, the reaction to the characters would be different (if not the very opposite).
My point here is that the story can (and should) be read differently. I would encourage you to think twice about any easy summaries and interpretations of the story that you might come across.
To answer your question, finally, you may be able to conclude that there's not simply one way to be true to your heritage. You can stay where you (and the generations before you) were born and raised, or you can leave, taking your heritage with you, remaking and revitalizing it as you move into new realms.
Alice Walker is an artist and a strong believer in the refashioning of heritage. At least a few critics have argued convincingly that she more closely resembles Dee than she does any other character in this story.
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