Friday, January 18, 2013

Arvin the ant is on a picnic table. He travels 30cm eastward, then 25cm northward, and finally 15cm westward.what is the magnitude of arvin's net...

Let the starting point be O  and E , N an W be the three postion the ant moves,  Then OE=30cm east , EN = 25 cm and NW = 30.

Therefore, if we take the OX  towards east as X coordinate, and OY towards north as Y cordinates, then the coordinates of the postion of O is (0,0), E is ( 30, 0), N is (30 , 25) and W = ( 30-15 , 25) = (15, 25)

Therefore, the final postion  of  W =(15,25)

The distance,d  between two points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) is given by d= sqrt[(x2-x1)^2+(y2-y1)^2]

Therefore, OW = sqrt[(15-0)^2+(25-0^2)]= sqrt(225+625)=sqrt(850)= 5sqrt34

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