Monday, January 21, 2013

The play’s title, The Crucible, means a severe trial or test. More than one character was being tested during the course of the Salem witch...

If I were writing this, I'd look at John Proctor.  I'd look at how he was a bit unsure of himself -- his goodness and morality -- at the start of the play.

He undergoes tests -- his wife's somewhat cold attitude early on, his need to defend her from the accusations, and then his own struggle to decide whether he is going to live or die.  I think he's being tested on his integrity and belief in himself.

I'd say he passes.  At the end of the play, he is able to feel good enough about himself, feel he's important enough, to think that his honor and good name are worth dying for.

That's what I'd write about.  Good luck...

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