Wednesday, January 2, 2013

How many of the Nine graduated and who were they?

Of the Little Rock Nine, only three graduated from Central High School.  These three were:

  • Ernest Green.  He went on to college at Michigan State University and held several high positions in government.

  • Carlotta Walls (now LaNier) she too went on to Michigan State and later graduated from what is now Northern Colorado.  She is on their Board of Regents

  • Jefferson Thomas.  He did not finish college but later became a minister and a businessman.  He also served in the army.

I'm not sure how you'd count this, but Theresa Mothershed got a diploma from Central after taking correspondence courses and going to summer school in St. Louis.

Please follow the link for information on these three and the others.  I should note that all of them finished high school somewhere (though one got a GED) and most graduated from college.

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