Saturday, July 26, 2014

What's the distinction between public and private nuisance? Some examples would be nice for better understanding. Thanks in advance.

The major difference between the two is the scope of harm that is done and the number of people to whom the harm is done.

A private nuisance is one that is felt by a single person or perhaps a single family.  By contrast, a public nuisance is one whose impact is felt by a large number of people.

Some possible examples of private nuisance:

  • Your dog using my yard as its toilet

  • My tree dropping rotten fruit in your yard

Some possible examples of public nuisance:

  • A bar playing loud music late at night near to private homes

  • A business that dumps its trash in the empty lot out back, attracting rodents and flies and endangering public health

  • A run-down motel that is used mainly by drug dealers and prostitutes

In general, the remedy for private nuisance is a suit brought by the offended private citizen.  The remedy for a public nuisance is sought by the affected government.

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