Sunday, July 20, 2014

What is the biblical story of Jonah about?no

The story of Jonah and the whale is basically a story of a man's rebellion and how God taught him a lesson he never forgot.

Jonah was a prophet of God.  God told him to go to Ninevah, a very wicked city in those days, and preach to the people.  Jonah knew it was a wicked city and didn't think his preaching to them would do any good.  So, he refused and got on a ship to escape from God (or so he thought).  The ship sailed out into the Mediterranean Sea and a storm came up.  It was so bad that it looked like the ship might sink.  The sailors, who were a very superstitious lot, declared that someone or something on board the ship had cursed it.  They cast lots to determine what or who it was and the lot pointed to Jonah.  Jonah knew it was best for the good of ship that they throw him overboard, so they did.

As Jonah sank down into the depths of the sea, a "large fish" swallowed him.  (I've always been taught that it was a whale that swallowed him.)  He remained in the belly of the whale for several days until God commanded the "fish" to spit him out on land.  Jonah was so humbled by the experience that he went and preached to Ninevah.  To his surprise,  the whole city was converted! 

Instead of being happy, he was cross and went and sat under a vine along the highway.  During the night, a worm bit off the vine and it withered, leaving him to sweat in the hot sun.  Then, God came to him and explained to him that it was by God's power that all things are done.  Just like Jonah couldn't keep the vine alive, he couldn't have control over which people believed in God's word.  What God expected from Him was to do His will and Him control the outcome of it.  Jonah needed to give the glory and honor to God.

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