Friday, August 29, 2014

How do i begin to write my research paper on the supernatural in "Wuthering Heights"?

To begin, identify words and phrases that have direct reference to dark supernatural meaning, for instance imp, ghoul, vampire. Also consider symbolism in locations. Perhaps the town where Heathcliff is found, with it's smoking chimney stacks, might symbolize a hellish connection. Also consider what clergymen or church goers might say or do--or refuse to do--particularly in reference to Heathcliff. Also look for references to ghosts, spirits, daemons and hauntings. And watch for other setting symbolism that might inspire frightening associations, like stark landscapes, barren trees, anything Halloweenish. The categories to look out for are settings, comments of characters about other characters or their actions, descriptions of characters, interactions between characters, looks main characters might give or comments they might make, symbolic descriptions that tend to be dark, eerie, unkempt, lonely, desolate. Also pick up on adjectives that have the above tendencies, like "desolate."

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