Saturday, August 23, 2014

Please interpret and critique the following quote from Emerson's "Self-Reliance.""Your miscellaneous popular charities,building of meeting houses...

What I know about the structure of a personal essay:

1. A personal essay has the same basic five-paragraph  STRUCTURE               as do most other essays.

2. The      INTRO               paragraph begins the personal essay.

3. The two things that the introductory paragraph includes are the HOOK               and the      THESIS              .

4. The       HOOK                grabs the reader's attention.

5. The    THESIS                 is the main point of the essay.

6. The      BODY                 follows the introductory paragraph.

7. The body includes three   SUPPORTING              paragraphs.

8. The supporting paragraphs all share the same basic     STRUCTURE            .

9. Supporting paragraphs begin with a      TOPIC                sentence.

10. The    TOPIC                  sentence is what a supporting paragraph is all about.

11. The     3 SUPPORTING          sentences support the main point of the paragraph.

12. The supporting paragraph ends with a        CLINCHER          sentence. It wraps up the paragraph.

13. The    CONCLUDING             paragraph follows the body in a personal essay.

14. The concluding paragraph      WRAP                        UPS               the essay and    RESTATES              the idea presented in the            TOPIC          sentence.

15. The concluding paragraph ends with the      CLINCHER             sentence.

16. The example concluding paragraph about mustard does two things all good concluding paragraphs do: It      WRAP                  UPS                     the essay and       SUMMARIZES          the supporting paragraphs, and it      RESTATES             the thesis in new words.

17. The concluding paragraph about ketchup and vegans    FAILS                  to do the things a concluding paragraph should do.

18.     TRANSITIONS           are words or sentences that help your reader navigate your essay smoothly.

19. Writers use transitions to guide readers from paragraph to        PARAGRAPH         .

20. To figure out where your writing needs transitions, consider what might potentially confuse your    READER                .

21. Writers also use transitions to guide readers from sentence to sentence within a     PARAGRAPH            .

What I know about tools, ideas, and tips for writing a personal essay:

1. An     OUTLINE               is a handy way to visualize the structure of a personal essay.

2. When you try to write vividly, remember to     SHOW                  and not tell.

3. The study gives three tips on how to show instead of tell in your personal essay. Avoid     TO                        BE                    verbs, use        DESCRPITIVE      and        CONCRETE           language, and create and use carefully constructed   DIALOGUE               .

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