Mole is a unit of measurement of mass, which is used primarily in chemistry. Mass of any substance such as an element, compound, or a radical can be measured using mole. For example, we can measure mass of many household material such as salt, sugar, and water in terms of mole. However I am not sure if mass of substances like ketchup, which is really a mixture of many ingredients, can be measured in terms of moles. IN any case I have not come across any incidents of quantity of household objects being measured in moles.
Mole is the mass in grams of a pure substance that contains same number of chemical units as there are number of atoms in 12 grams of Carbon-12.
The chemical units mentioned in the above definition could be molecules, atoms, ions, elections or other similar particles. The number of particles in one mole of substance is approximately 6.021367 x 10^23.
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