Saturday, May 16, 2015

What psychological influences are utilized in the Cover Girl commericals that make them compelling to adolescents? Describe the characteristics...

Adolescence is, developmentally speaking, the time where the last part of our brain, the frontal lobe is experiencing the most dramatic changes. This part of the brain deals with emotions, sensations, and other growth-related psychological attachments which make them a particularly vulnerable popu;ation.  This is mainly whi they are targeted the most. Particularly in an economy that glorifies all that is vain and superficial, these elements are specifically significant to adolescents who are in the process of seeking for an identity. What could be more advantageous that proposing an identity already packed with a smile, vivid colors, perfect hair, and flawless skin? Identify with that. That is what the commercials aspire teens to do.

The psychological trends are very obvious- All good, no bad. All shiny, nothing dark. Happy girls, triggering the serotonin and endorphins and making girls behind the TV create scenarios where they are part of that carefully selected workd.

The messages conveyed are of no cause and no consequence. You are "just worth it", "maybe its Maybelline", "trust them, they are experts"/// in other words: Pretty is being carefree, and perfect is being worry free.

The emotions being played on are the same that are right now developing in teenagers. The sense of being, of wanting, or expecting, the want for perfection, the establishment of guidelines of beauty.

The issue of self-esteem, self identity, self worth, self assertiveness and self assurance are most of the issues tried to be resolved: Use this lipstick and you will feel prettier. Try this hair color and you will be liked.

These advertisements affect not only adolescents, but adults equally. Anyone with a vulnerability and personality gaps will fill them with these superficial expectations of beauty. That is where the problem begins.

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