Sunday, February 6, 2011

Uranium, radioactivity and the environment?

One of the main problems, of whose solution depends on the development of our civilization, is providing the energy needed to the development of activities of the progressive evolution of living standards of population of the earth.The amount of energy consumed by mankind has grown from primitive times until now, 2.5 million times.It is clear that such growth can lead to a problem of energy needed for future development of mankind .
Obtaining nuclear energy is conditioned by the presence of radioactive radiations.Fission is the basis to obtain nuclear energy.
The A state of the core is spherical due to link energy analogous to surface tension of the droplet.When the nucleus absorbs a neutron to form an excited nucleus B, its energy is about equal to the energy core plus a neutron kinetic energy and can occur


- ifexcess energy is insufficient to show the distortion,

from the state C the core becomes spherical and stable and the excess energy is delivered as radiation "(in 16% of cases);

-if the excess energy exceeds a certain value, called "critical energy" occurs breakage kernel in two parts (state D fission), which can deliver a number of neutrons (state E).

Nuclear fission products (fragments) in state D have very rare kernels with equal masses, the yield in this case is less than 0.1% (symmetric fission).In most cases, nuclear fission is "Unsymmetrical" resulting  different mass kernels.In an act of nuclear fission was calculated how much energy is released for uranium-235:

- Fission products: 166 MeV (82.5%)
- Radiation fission: 6 MeV (2.95%)
- Radiation: 7 MeV (3.4%)
- Neutrinos: 11 MeV (5.4%)
- Radiation delayed: 6 MeV (2.95%)
- Neutrons: 5 MeV (2.8%)
Uranium exists in Earth's crust, down to depth of 16 km, with an average abundance of 10.5% ,overccoming abundance of metals such as mercury, silver, bismuth and cadmium. In water seas and oceans is found uranium in the form of soluble salts, with concentrations ranging between 10.7 and 0.4 * 23 * 10-7g/l. There are distinguished three categories of rocks that may contain uranium. The first two contain primary respectively secondary uranium minerals , the third category contains uranium as an impurity included in the crystalline network.
Rainfalls which wash contaminated landfills are a source of contaminating surface water and groundwater with radioisotopes or other toxic substances (arsenic and heavy metals). Thus, waste dumps located near residential areas pose a risk to people.

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