Monday, February 28, 2011

What is the rhythm/ rhyme of "My Heart Leaps up", William Wordsworth?

Wordsworth's "My Heart Leaps Up" is made up of 9 lines rhyming, a b c c a b c d d.

The first line is made up of 8 syllables.

The second line is made up of 6 syllables.

The next three lines are made up of 6 syllables each.

The sixth line is made up of  4 syllables.

The seventh line is made up of 8 syllables.

The eighth line is made up of 7 syllables.

The ninth line is made up of  10 syllables.

The rhythm is uniformly iambic, that is, the first syllable is stressed and the second is unstressed.

The eighth line is irregular with the first two feet being iambic and the third feet being a dactyl, that is, the first syllable is unstressed with the following two being stressed:

I could - iambic

wish my - iambic

days to be - dactyl

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