Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What are the chronic complications of diabetes?

A patient with type I or II diabetes  may develop one or more chronic complications.
Hyperglycaemia can cause to the vessels that irrigate the heart and brain. It also may be affected lower limb peripheral vessels, blood flow is blocked at this level or fall, causing peripheral artery diseases. In terms of deficient irrigation,  patient with diabetes may suffer strokes or heart attacks.
- Diabetic retinopathy cause vision loss
- Diabetic nephropathy. Progression of renal lesion of blood vessels, leading to renal failure, dialysis being necessary  or achieveing renal transplantation
- Leads to lowering tactile sensitivity , thermal and painful especially in the feet (foot and legs). Neuropathy can be installed at the level of nerves involved in control of body functions leading to changes of digestion and sexual function.

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