Saturday, November 19, 2011

Macbeth term paper... Any ideas?I am writing a term paper on Macbeth and how he fits the description of a tragic hero. I have some examples. I was...

Macbeth's character is a great example of a
tragic hero. Many factors cause Macbeth's downfall. For example,
the prophecy the witches told him, Lady Macbeth's
manipulation, Macbeth's overarching ambition to be king. Macbeth's
character goes from a noble man to violent, desperate man.

The prophecies related by the witches were the
onset factor that set in his downfall. It started him imagining his greatness.
The influence of Macbeth's wife, Lady Macbeth also contributed
to him loosing his inner center or bearings. She gave him the scheme, which led to Macbeth assassinating King Duncan.
Of course after he first committed murder, he could murder again, everything changed for him. He was no longer worthy of his own respect.
This is tragic--loosing oneself inthe process of achieving something else-- then in the end loosing life itself.

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