Monday, November 28, 2011

Why is it important for Godot never to appear in Waiting for Godot?

It is important for Godot not to arrive. This important absence might be interpreted in thousands of ways depending on what one considers to be the real identity of Godot in Beckett's play. Godot is everything and nothing at the same time, a sacred all powerful absence as a force of life--a God, a dictator, the significance of life, a mother/father figure, order, beauty, love, the object cause of desire and so on.

The importance of Godot's non-arrival can be seen in a positive way as the dictatorial centre of power seems to be exposed in all its absence. It is an unacknowledged political lack in the master. This decentring may be seen as liberative as in Tagore's plays. The absence may also be positive if we read Godot as a meta-narrative that answers all questions. Its non-arrival enables Didi and Gogo to be more individualistic, more egalitarian and work with their apparently meaningless micro-narratives of action.

The failure of Godot in arriving may connote a dark vision of a hyper-real world where real signification has been complicated beyond existence, with the world turning complexly meaningless. It is the Derridean meaning--always deferred or the absurdist meaning--beyond the tentacles of logic.

Godot failing to arrive is as important as the fact that they still wait for him till eternity. This is the story of human courage, moving on in the void, working the way through the most restrictive of situations. That is Beckett's leason I think. One must go on, even as he knows he cannot go on.

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