Tuesday, November 22, 2011

What is Scrooge's profession and how does it affect his life?"A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens

One of the most renowned misers of literature, Scrooge's profession is never clearly stated by Charles Dickens in his story "A Christmas Carol."  Bob Crachitt, the assistant to Scrooge, seems to be an accountant of sorts; therefore, many feel that Ebenezer Scrooge is, perhaps, a money-lender of a banker of sorts, or a property owner.  All that is mentioned of Scrooge's profession is that he is "in business."  And, because money is his main focus, the business is probably one in which money is transferred and interest on this money collected, as in the three professions above.

This obsession with making money colors the perspective of Ebenezer Scrooge to the point that he divorces himself from all emotion and tenderness which are uncertain, and, thus, cannot always be "profitable." Having been made to remain at school during Christmastime by a cold, distant father, Scrooge closes off his feelings to avoid the pain of rejection or hurt.  In fact, his fiancee of his youth tells him, "You fear the world too much."  Of course, Scrooge realizes later--thanks to the assistance of the three spirits--that one must risk the dangers of emotions, or else one will have no meaningful existence and will die alone, powerless, and hopeless.

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