Friday, January 20, 2012

Do you consider William Wordsworth to be more a romantic poet than a poet of nature?refer to three poems to support the answer

William Wordsworth is more a poet of nature than a romantics poet . In his Tin tern Abbey he admits that he is a worshiper of nature .Nature to him is a kind mother ,-the nurse ,guide , and guardian of his moral being .He believes that Nature never did betray the heart that loved her .All these are the poet's declaration to his attitude to Nature .

Again , foggy weather , murmuring -stream ,dancing daffodils ,prime-rose path ,lofty mountain ,beauteous evening ,lake ,sea ,birds, etc vivify the poet's love for nature .

The poet's imagination does not belong to the category of secondary imagination , which is the prime virtue of a romantic-poet .In this sense Coleridge and Shelley , are romantic poets , Wordsworth is not .

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