Friday, January 13, 2012

What are the literary devices in Red, Red, Rose by Robert Burns?I am writing an explication of the poem and I cant find any literary devices

For such a short poem, Burns certainly packs a lot of literary devices.  First, Burns uses a simile to compare his love to a flower--"Oh, my Luve's LIKE a red, red rose..." Secondly, his love is symbolized by that rose, and by repeating the color "red", he is how beautiful, how pure his love is.  He uses another simile in the third line to once again compare his love to something beautiful; this time, he compares his love to a beautiful song--"My Luve's like a melodie..."  Burns wrote in a lyric style, meaning this poem often reads like a song would--hence, the repetition of some key phrases.  There is also obvious alliteration with the "r" sounds--"...a red, red rose..."  The use of alliteration also furthers the sing-song musicality of the poem. 

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