Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What is the interpretation of this poem "Alzheimer's" by Kelly Cherry?He stands at the door, a crazy old man Back from the hospital, is mind...

What is the interpretation of this poem "Alzheimer's" by Kelly Cherry?

He stands at the door, a crazy old man

Back from the hospital, is mind ratling

Like the suitcase, swingin from his hand,

That contains shaving cream, a piggy bank

A book he sometimes pretends to read,

His clothes. On the brick wall besides him

Roses and colubmine slug it out for space, claw the mortar.

The sun is shining, as it does late in the aftrnoon

In England, after rain.

Sun hardens the house, reifies it,

Strikes the iron grillwork like smithy

And sprks fly off, burnig in the bushes-

The rosebushes-

While the white wood trime defines solidity in space.

This is his house. He remembers it as his,

Remembers the walkway he built between the front room

And the garage, the rhododendron he planted in back,

The car he used to drive. He remembers himself,

A younger man, in a tweed hat, a man who loved

Music. There is no time for that now. No time for music,

The peculiar screeching of strings, the luxurious

Fiddling with emotion.

Other things have become more urgent.

Other matters are now of greater import, have more

Consequence, must be attended to. The first

Thing he must do, now that he is home, is decide who

This woman is, this old, white-haired woman

Standing here in the doorway,

Welcoming him in.

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