Sunday, January 22, 2012

How do you think the Community got to be the way it is?

I guess I think the community got to be this way by trying too hard to take chance and uncertainty out of human life.

To me, this is sort of trade off that we face as human beings.  If we want to have total security, we have to give up danger.  If we want to have job security, for example, we have to give up being able to take a chance and go out and find a new and more interestint job.

If we want to have guaranteed freedom from sadness, we also have to give up our ability to have joy (because we have to be emotionally open to experience joy and that can be turned to sorrow).

So I think the people in previous times must have tried to figure out how they could keep from being vulnerable in any way.  But then they went to far and took all the possibilities out of life too.

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