Thursday, January 30, 2014

What is the moral lesson of the poem To a Waterfowl by William Cullen Bryant?

I agree with the first answerer that hers is a moral lesson that you can draw from this poem.  I draw a slightly different one.

To me, the lesson here is that you should trust in yourself and do what you think is right.  It is a statement of individualism.  The waterfowl in the poem does not need to be in a flock like one of the geese that fly over my house every late fall and spring.  In the poem, the bird is by itself but it will still get to where it needs to be.

I totally agree that the poem is saying that you should trust in God.  But I think it is saying that you should trust in your own moral sense and your own ideas.  They are given to you by God and they (not the flock of other people) will bring you to the right place in the end.

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